8 Essential Tips for Conserving Water This Summer 

Water Consumption, Conservation, Faucet, Leak, Plumbing, Plumbing & Drain, Summer, Water Bill, Water Usage

You can embrace all summer has to offer with its warm, sunny days and fun-filled summer activities. But hey, summer is also the time when our water use skyrockets, putting a strain on this valuable resource. As a homeowner, you might be looking to cut down on your water bills and minimize your ecological footprint – which, of course, could be a tad challenging in the hot summer months. But that’s what we are here for! 

Here are eight savvy tips from Grove City Plumbing & Drain to help you conserve water this summer: 

What’s Your Approach to Cleaning Produce?  

When it’s time to wash those ripe tomatoes from your garden or strawberries you bought from the local farmers’ market, how do you do it? Rather than letting the tap run for each item, why not fill a large bowl with water and clean your produce in it? This method not only saves water, but it can also be reused to hydrate your indoor plants. It’s a win-win situation as it saves water in two places. 

How Do You Tackle the Dishes?  

Did you know that washing dishes by hand can guzzle up to 20 gallons of water? We know that it might not appear like you’re using a lot of water while scrubbing those plates, but when the tap is left running, water consumption can pile up swiftly.  

Bear in mind that modern, energy-efficient dishwashers can consume as little as 4 gallons of water per load. So, when possible, it’s not a bad idea to opt to use your energy-efficient dishwasher instead. If a dishwasher is not an option for you, you can still refrain from leaving the water running continuously. Instead, fill one side of the sink with soapy water and another for rinsing. And if you don’t have a double-sided sink, simply use this method with a basin instead. It will have the same effect. 

What’s Your Strategy for Thawing Frozen Food?  

A little foresight can save you even more water at dinnertime. Rather than using continuous running water to defrost frozen items, try transferring the frozen food from the freezer to the fridge the previous night. This way, you’re saving water while making sure your food still defrosts safely.  

What’s Your Laundry Routine?  

  • Do You Only Wash Full Loads? To boost efficiency, run your washer only when it’s you a full load ready to wash. This helps save both water and energy by minimizing the number of wash cycles you need, leading to more water conservation.  
  • Do You Use the Permanent Press Setting? This mode triggers an extra rinse, which of course, guzzles more water. So, unless it’s crucial for specific garments, steer clear of this setting to save water. 

How Regularly Do You Water Your Lawn & Garden?  

If you’re watering your garden during the day’s peak heat, you may be experiencing significant water loss because of evaporation. Instead, you should opt to water your plants early in the morning or later in the evening to ensure the water reaches the roots. This gives your plants a solid chance to soak up the moisture and prolongs water retention.  

How Do You Keep Your Pool Safe?  

Got a pool? A pol cover can significantly reduce water loss from evaporation when it’s not in use. Plus, a pool cover aids in keeping your pool sparkling clean and cuts back on the necessity for chemicals.  

What’s Your Mulch Layer Thickness?  

Layering mulch in your garden beds is another great way to control weed growth and retain soil moisture. That’s because an effective layer of mulch can reduce sunlight exposure, cool the soil, and diminish evaporation. All this means you’ll need to water less frequently, leading to a thriving garden. 

How Long Have Your Fixtures Been Leaking?  

A drip here, a leak there – a leaky faucet, an outdoor spigot, or a perpetually running toilet can waste a substantial amount of water over time. It’s in your interest to regularly inspect your indoor and outdoor fixtures for leaks and address them without delay. Ignoring them will only lead to escalated water consumption due to the leaks and potential damage to your plumbing infrastructure.  

Remember, these may seem like tiny steps that won’t make much of a dent in your water bills. But keep in mind that every household is different, and it’s the sum of these small measures that will make a big difference. Following these tips can help to decrease your water consumption this summer. Plus, saving water not only benefits the environment but also saves you money.  

Reach out to Grove City Plumbing & Drain today at (614) 362-3345 or by clicking here to schedule an appointment now!